Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance

It is essential for roofs to receive proper preventive maintenance. For all roofs, regardless of the material type, maintenance includes regular inspection, cleaning and repair. Arky-Metal LLC provides a roof preventive maintenance program that consists of four essential parts, which are meticulously followed, that will deliver effective and quality results.

The Initial Audit Inspection:

The audit inspection is a detailed inspection of all components of the roofing system and other related or connected building system. The purpose of the audit inspection is to identify any condition that may be the result of or lead to roofing damage. The data that is collected during the audit inspection becomes the base upon which the preventive maintenance program is based.

Time Performance of Required Maintenance Tasks:

Once the inspections are complete and defects been identified, we work with your maintenance personnel or roofing contractor to make sure the proper repairs are made.

Follow-Up Inspections:

Follow-up inspections are performed at least two times per year. Other inspections are realized after severe weather, when there has been excessive foot traffic or when other conditions that may cause roof damage occurred.

Record Keeping:

Record keeping begins with organizing the information that is gathered during the audit survey. This information includes the original construction data when available. It also includes dimensions; penetrations observed defects and other notable features observed during the audit survey. This information is noted on a roof audit inspection form and on a small-scale drawing of the roof. The information is then updated and added to after maintenance tasks have been completed and after each follow-up inspection. All records are maintained via our Roof Asset Management Program.